
Perform at your peak

Elevate your mind, and emotions and realign with your true self in just 10 minutes a day

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Transform your challenges into triumphs through
talk therapy and personalised tools

Life's challenges are easier with someone to talk to. DailyLift is always here to listen, empathize, and guide you. Transform your emotions and energy with personalized tools to help you feel your best and perform at your peak every day.

Work stress

Work stress

Overwhelmed at work?

Financial Stress

Financial Stress

Worried about your financial future?



Feeling disconnected in your relationships?



Longing for meaningful connections?

Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Battling self doubt and insecurity?



Feeling weighed down by depression?

Exam Stress

Exam Stress

Worried about exam performance?

Health Issues

Health Issues

Facing a new diagnosis or chronic illness?

Negative Thought Patterns

Negative Thought Patterns

Finding it hard to silence negative thoughts?

Emotional Burnout

Emotional Burnout

Depleted and unmotivated?

Decision Making Anxiety

Decision Making Anxiety

Anxious about making important choices?



Dealing with the emptiness of loss?

Unlock Your Best Self: Harness the Power of Positive Emotions

Ever felt stuck, alone, or judged? Considered therapy but found it inaccessible or costly? Do you feel something is holding you back from your full potential?

We've spent years and thousands on coaching, therapy, and health. Our breakthrough discovery is:

Positive emotions not only lead to a happier life but also boost performance and lifespan by up to 92%. Negative emotions, however, harm your health, weight, sleep, and more.

We know that just saying "be positive" can feel dismissive when you're struggling. DailyLift provides empathetic support tailored to your emotional set point, helping you improve your well-being from where you are.

The key to this transformation is simple: Become aware of your emotional state, shift to a more positive emotion, and take action with a positive mindset.

  1. Awareness: Recognize your emotional state and set point. Insight leads to improvement.
  2. Shift: Use evidence-based practices to move to a more positive state. We tailor our advice to how you currently feel.
  3. Action: Approach challenges positively to create better outcomes and start a high-performance, positive loop.

Emotional health defines your life. If you often feel frustrated, stressed, or scared, that becomes your identity. But tackling challenges with determination and optimism creates better outcomes and fosters more positive emotions.

DailyLift is an AI companion available anytime for support. It analyzes your conversations and health data to give insights into your emotional and energy levels. We offer personalized, evidence-based practices to enhance your well-being daily, focusing on emotions first. While nutrition and sleep matter, we prioritize emotions to help you thrive.

24/7 Emotional Companion

Experience round-the-clock emotional support. Access various types of therapy and coaching for free at your finger tips, ensuring constant companionship and guidance. (Image of different therapy options and AI bots)

Transform Conversations and health data into Insights

Unlock the power of data. Translate conversations into actionable insights, providing clear emotional and energy scores backed by science. Apple Health and other fitness tracker integration coming soon for a complete wellness picture.

Safe, Private, Judgment-Free Support

Feel understood in a safe, private, and non-judgmental environment. AI prioritizes well-being without bias. You control your data, with automatic backups and easy deletion.

Personalized Well-Being with AI

Harness the combined knowledge of various disciplines for a personalized well-being journey. AI leverages neuroscience, psychology, and spiritual practices to unlock the highest potential, starting with emotional wellness.

Custom Evidence-Based Wellness Practices (coming soon)

Benefit from personalized, evidence-based wellness practices. Custom tools for manifestation, meditation, sleep stories, positive affirmations, and gratitude journaling are on the way to improve overall well-being.